Subjects discussed in the Workshops

Take care of your own image: Dress-code, verbal expression and corporal expression

Prendre soin de son image

The first rules are about making a good first impression: These three essential points will be detailed in order to improve your own style and become a handsome looking person.
Don’t forget, we don’t have two opportunities to give a first good impression! It’s worth spending time on it…

The art of greeting and introducing

How to understand the different ways to greet French people in any situation?
How to introduce yourself and your friends or colleagues, the rules are not the same for men or women. This is an art which is not so easy, but several situations will be given to experiment it.

Art des présentations et des salutations

Around the French table

Autour de la table française

How to welcome and entertain naturally your guests in the French way?

How to make them feel honored or at ease in French society, this is an art !

But how to lay a typical French table, and use the right cutlery and set it at the right place? This is another art!

Do you know how to use the right fork for the salad or the dessert? We will study French table art and decoration in practicing it in my dining room.

I will also remind you of the right behaviour for important guests and the dress-code to have according to the invitation.

French Gallantry

It concerns men or couples. French Gallantry represents the must of French men elegance and is still more than ever appreciated by women even if we tend to sexual equality. In France, It’s useful to learn the rules of gallantry and to know how to practice them, if you have business or friendship relations with women and if you would like to be appreciated by them! These rules will be experimented and corrected in situation during the workshop, so at to be a courteous and protective man, but with discretion…

Galanterie à la française

Business Etiquette

Savoir-vivre en entreprise

How to organize a business meal in France or during a week-end with customers, to ensure a professional welcome in a shop or on the phone, to be received or to invite customers, to know how to differentiate codes and culture in firms…

Or revisit your sales team’s image in order to be in perfect ad equation with those of the company. Anyhow Business Etiquette will remain one of the capital virtues to guarantee an excellent relationship, proof of the respect of the customer and his trust.

Upbringing children

You are concerned with bringing up children. You do not want to have them be “king children”, capricious and not respectful. You would like them to be well behaved with grown-ups?

In two hours, I will teach them to become a quiet child thanks to a nice and easy going approach.

éducation des enfants

The Art of Conversation

The French language has its own marks of distinction according to the social or geographical backgrounds. It is not a question of denying them but of being on a common mode of expression. I will give you some keys to avoid the blunders, to know how to express oneself with refinement, to use the good French expressions, and especially to remove from your language the bad ones!

French Courtesy day after day

How to give a “French touch” to your behavior with natural and ease.
Which dress-code should we respect according to the different circumstances?

How to use your phone in a public place or how to thank when you have an invitation?

Many questions and situations that we will discuss and live in practicing them with pleasure.